
“Writing Sampler”


There are tugs going on for all of us all the time: work versus play; indoors versus outdoors; fiction versus nonfiction.

This last one has characterized my writing life. After years of focussing on writing for essays and articles, I decided to bring critical eyes to my fiction writing. In 2013, I graduated with an M.F.A. from Fairfield University MFA in Creative Writing. So the tug between fiction and nonfiction continues, but now with a little more education, understanding and hope for publication. Until that time comes, here is a sampling of published non-fiction pieces.



  • Craft essays are an essential part of most MFA programs to help writers dig into the craft other authors have used. Here is one example from the Fairfield University literary magazine, Mason’s Road craft essay


  • Most recently, an essay I wrote was published by the online magazine The Moon.


I hope to expand my “sampler” from this baby-size quilt of writing to more of a king-sized sampler. Please check back for updates to this Sampler. Thank you!